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Freestyle Media Day: A Snapshot of Success

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

FreeStyle Production Media Day: A snapshot of success, where we transformed attendees' social media presence into an engaging, always-on communication system through professional content creation services. We'll share our high-end, branded video content creation, easy and cost-effective process, and our comprehensive package which includes strategy/coaching, content creation, and swift asset delivery. Dive in to learn more about the success of Media Day and the benefits it delivered to our participants.


A year ago, we initiated our first Media Day - a big hit! This year, we did it again, and guess what? It was a smashing success, just like the first time!

Our sophisticated venue, graciously provided by Murray Franklyn, is situated in the vibrant heart of Redmond, WA. This backdrop offered a variety of spaces, each with its unique charm. The cozy living areas, well-furnished office spaces, and stunning outdoor environs combined to provide a diverse, professional, and comfortable setting for our distinguished clients.

The event was a sell-out! The success was so overwhelming that many of our past clients couldn't wait to join in on the next Media Day.

This was more than an event - it was a celebration of creativity and stepping out of comfort zones and into the lights in front of the camera. Seeing so many dedicated professionals take advantage of Media Day, hone new skills, and grow their respective businesses is truly what we love to see.

The day started early, with our professional team of photographers and videographers setting up the rooms to capture the best images and videos, and the FreeStyle Production team was excited and energized, ready to put their creativity to work.

Clients started arriving, and the Murray Franklyn property buzzed with activity. Each client was given personalized sessions designed to capture their unique attributes and professional image while also getting a little coaching for those who have never used a teleprompter for video before. The atmosphere was full of positivity and excitement, and it was clear that our clients were enjoying the experience.

Throughout the day, we provided our clients with strategy coaching sessions. Our team of social media experts shared the latest trends and best practices for using video content to engage their audiences and grow their social media presence. Clients left the coaching sessions with fresh ideas and strategies to leverage the content created during Media Day.

As the day went on, we saw a lot of diverse, high-quality content being created - headshots, lifestyle photos, behind-the-scenes snaps, interviews, promo videos, you name it! The different spaces in the property allowed us to create a wide range of visual stories tailored to each client's brand.

At the end of the day, everyone was able to pull it all together! We had successfully executed our second FreeStyle Media Day, and the feedback from our clients was overwhelmingly positive. They were thrilled with the content created and the strategies they learned.

In the days following the event, we delivered the digital assets to our clients within 7 days. As expected, they were extremely excited about the quality and diversity of the content, and many expressed their excitement to start implementing their new social media strategies.

FreeStyle Media Day was a resounding success.

Not only did we fulfill our promise of providing professional content creation services, but we also built strong relationships with our clients. This event reinforced our commitment to excellence and our dedication to helping our clients succeed in their social media endeavors.

We're already looking forward to the next Media Day and we are excited to continue providing high-quality content and strategy coaching, and we're confident that our future events will be just as successful as this one.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you to everyone who made FreeStyle Media Day such a success!


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